February 01, 2006

By: Jennifer Fayed

It's late in the evening now and you can say that I have become some sort of a night owl lately. I have so many thoughts in my head tonight. The main thought in my mind lately is my mom. I was in New York visiting my family this past November. This has spiraled a flashback which I would like to share with the intention that good will come from this and inshallah I can get some sleep tonight. My mom and I are close but when I reverted to Islam she felt like she didn't know me anymore. There I was this scarf covered woman that she considered a stranger and not her daughter. Well at least not the daughter she knew before becoming Muslim. She would constantly make jokes and rude remarks about hijab and Muslims. At the time, I was so sensitive to her reactions and would usually breakdown in tears. Now that I have been Muslim for three years I'm able to put myself into her shoes in order to understand her perspective. This was so sudden for her and not only that but I then decided to get hitched to my wonderful husband four months after my reversion. This would be a blow to any parent who has this on their plate. It was so uncomfortable I felt like a stranger to her. We couldn't talk about anything without it breaking into a heated arguement. I really didn't have time to spend with my mother shortly after becoming Muslim she had many responsibilities to take care of overseas; and we were left with ties that were somehow severed. It was so ackward, she really didn't say anything after a while. There was this silent wall between us and no matter how much I explained Islam to her she just didn't understand. She soon left to Dominican Republic and the next meeting would be after the short arrival of my third baby. This would be such a short visit; I was only there for three days because I only went to pick up my two children from my previous marriage so they could spend the summer with us in North Carolina. While staying there my mom would criticize certain things in Islam, but not with the same intensity as before; although, I could obviously tell that she was still uneasy about the whole Muslim thing. I tried to speak to my mother about Islam over the telephone but she would usually loose her temper and I would eventually change the topic. Eighteen months went by after that last visit. It felt like years and I really educated myself about Islam so I would know how to approach her about general questions regarding the religion. I did this intensely for two weeks before my trip to New York.

This visit meant so much to me for I hadn't seen my mom for a year and a half (talk about a long time). When I saw her I felt like her little girl again. I had missed her so much and to think that I only had a month to cherish my time with her I was heartbroken just thinking about how quickly those four weeks would pass. The time I spent with her was truly a blessing from Allah (swt) she would ask questions about Islam and I would give her answers in a context that she would understand. It was great, she was accepting me in her heart and respecting my decisions as a woman. I would tell her about Isa (Jesus) alahi salaam and what our beliefs in Islam were about him. She found many common grounds and although there are major differences in Christianity and Islam she would feel cornered and passionately say "Well I worship God the way I think he should be worshipped I don't follow the church". I guess we all have to start somewhere right? She is an amazing woman. She has been very successful in her professional life and has been a wonderful mom. I wouldn't change her for another. She is a strong woman who knows what she wants and will openly speak her mind no matter the circumstance. That month flew so fast, I think I remember almost everyday I spent with her. I'm feeling homesick I guess. I miss her. She is more that one thousand miles away and all I have at the moment of her is the memories that I hold so close to my heart. I hugged my mom everyday I was with her in New York. I still remember her smell. She smells of cocoa butter and soft perfume (just like my abuelita). I'm glad I reflected this in writing tonight. It is now 3:51 a.m. and alhamdulilah I feel at peace to sleep now. This reflection was for you mom. Te quiero mucho mommy y te extrano bastante(I love you very much mommy and I miss you tremendously)!!!!!!
Copyright © 2006 Sumayah Fayed


Anonymous Anonymous said...

salam alakum,
I miss my mum too.i live far from her although she is a muslim but we live far away now cause i am here to study but i do remember those quiet moment we spent together when she came visiting in the summer.the trip on the train,the bus and i often i made her run just not to miss the bus or train.may Allah forgive me for that but i could not forget our long walk together...she loves to stroll every now and then.
anyway,you have a nice story.i pray your mum revert to islam.you can post this to her just to let her know how much you love and cherish her even though she is not a muslim..the prophet wants us to be kind to our parents...just send it to her that you love her.take care sister.lvoe you for Allah's sake.Fi amanillahi....

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dear Jennifer
May jehavoh bless you.I red about you.How you inspired by Islam and how you became muslim.Muslim say Adam and Eve they were also muslim.Islam came after 600 yrs of christ.I am giving you just hints read about these things.If you are realy want to find out about true religion.You know about christianity.But i dont think you know about Islam well.Islam and christianity is litterly diffrent.Abraham and sarrah they were old when God promise with Abraham that he will bless him and his wife will pregnant they were old.It will be big nation.She is mother of Issac and her maid Hager was mother of Ismael.God promised child from Sarrah(wife) not from maid.And muslim believe Ismail as blessed one.Muhmmad had 9 wives and youngest one was only 9 or 11 yr old.Muslim they say all muslim only will go to heaven and there they will get 70 virgens beautiful girls? for what.That is why they do Jehad to go to heaven.God is not material God he is loving God I have seen people they are christian but no body follow christ.I think you must contact Jehovah witnesses.If you want to know about reality.I born in catholic family and raised catholic.I think you are realy a very very good person.My one syrian frien told me one joke.There was one American soldier he became muslim after that he wanted to leave islam he we to see one Mullah and asked him he want to become christian again.Mullah replied him if you leave islam you supposed to be killed.If you love worldly things islam is good but if you want to be in Paradise you must get real knowledge Christ he he was for this world he would have not dye for us on the stake.Mighty Angles would have fight for him.He didnot bow down infront of satan at mount calvary to get the worldly kigdom.In Islam they believe in tit for tat if some one hit you with brick hit him with stone.When they believe in Judgement day then why they do judgement on this earth.My one coleauge has seen in Saudi Arabia how they stoned one girl who commited adultery they put her in the jute sack and tide the sack and then they stoned her she was screaming in the sack and they killed her.I knew all these things but when i heard this real incident one month i was upset and had nightmares.i born in Muslim country but lived always under threat.When ever muslim they get angry with west they try to kill christians in Muslim country.Tell me what that christian did wrong who are in minorit in all these muslim country.Muslim they love only muslim because they their brother.They consider all other religions as Kafar( non believer) who dont believe in Muhammad they are Kafar.And all Kafar will go to hell.If you think and what you have seen in USA christianity this not christianity.They are name sake christian no body is following christ..You must go to Jehovah Witnesses.They dont go for wars they dont kills They dont go for material things.It is in the bible It is very easy for a camle to pass throuh the eye of the needle but very difficult for a rich man to enter in Gods kigdom.They dont do abortions.No lies.You will see their knowlede books you will not find the name of the writer.but books are the best quality books in the world.All these books written by men but they dont want glory they want glory for Jehavoh.You must find out.You are a very very good lady i dont want you too loose your life.Please try.In bible it is a sin if you think about any other woman but in Islam till you commit it is not sin.I want to giv you my contact but being in USA still i am scared of muslims.But i will write this web adress.Wil see if you need any quiry.Please take care of your self.To cove your body and head is realy good thing.Not exposing your self to stanic world.But this not every thing in Islam.They say to eat pork is bigest sin but if you need to save your life you can eat.Sin is sin to save your life you commit sin that is nonsense.If you believe in God even you are dying with hunger if he want he can save you.but why you have to commit sin.Any bad thing hapen in life they say it is from God how they can say it is from God.God is love he created Adam and Eve to live for ever.But they sinned.God never make us suffer these all hardships from satan the devil.God gave him time because he is justice God but he will finish on Judgement day.My english is not good but i think you will understand.

6:35 AM  
Blogger Sumayah said...

Hi, I don't know what to tell you. I hope that Godwilling you will find the truth. I studied several religions before I reverted to Islam and Jehova Witnesses was one of them. I had some friends that were part of this sect. I too came from a Roman Catholic background. I really hope you research Islam and do it open-heartly so that you can see the beauty of God's religion. The religion that was given to Adam (peace be upon him. Thank you for your comment but alhamdulilah (praises to Allah) I have found the truth and I hope God guides you so you can too. I will keep you in my prayers.

11:24 AM  
Blogger Sumayah said...

I wanted to add also that what you are describing isn't islam. The prophet Mohammed (pbuh) allowed non-Muslims to practice their religion freely and peacefully. It seems that you have confused culture with the true Islam. As it is my understanding when someone commits adultery whether male of female they are whipped several times, and this goes for both not just the woman. God has sent down certain laws to protect society and let me tell you that in Christiainity's history there have been many persecutions because people didn't follow the church. So please research the true Islam and may Allah bless you.

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


MasAllah you write very good.May Allah give u more and more power to serve islam with yours pen.

After reading urs artical I am missing my moom so much as I am in Germany to study and my moom lives in Pakistan.She gave us top quality eudcation and obove all she gave us sense of religion and to be good person.God give her long life and give us chance to serve her.

May Allah give urs mum to come to path of Truth.God increase urs faith.Ameen!!!Remeber me in yours Prayers please as I wish that Allah chose me to server His religion!Ameen

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

asslamu alaikum,
may allah bless you and guide you forver. mashallah you write beautifully and what you said about your mothe ris really nice. i wish you all the best in everything you choose to do in life. amin.

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Asalamu Alaikom wr wb

i miss my mum 2 she is in canada and i am doing degree in malaysia..i was born muslim my ancestors were muslim more than 14 centuries..i am 21 year old ..i memorized the quran at the age of 12..i do understand the quran word by word..i used to be a good muslim but these days somehow im turning back from ma duty..i dont pray on time i dont do many good things that i used to do. my heart feels empty coz many years i didnt read the quran..im tryin to catch up myself before its too late. but satan and his freinds are always making me busy..im in battle with myslef inshaALLAH i will overcome..my dear sister nice to meet u ...and pray for me to that ALLAH will protect me from satan..


11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalaamu 'Alaykum

Marshallah sister,i'm really impressed with you. May Allah (SWT) increase you in Imaan And Taqwa, Inshallah. May Allah soften my heart also, Inshallah.

7:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marshallah sister, you write very good. Please make Duah that Allah guide me and soften my heart Inshallah.

7:52 AM  

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