February 03, 2006

By: Jennifer Fayed
My loving husband
How are you?
Do you see?
Do you see me?
I need you!
Not only as my supporter but
As my partner in this life.
Don’t you see I am your wife!
You are always claiming I crave attention
But all I aim is for your affection.
Do you love me as a person?
Or do you see me as your
Social obligation?

My loving wife
How are you?
Do you see me?
Or are you caught up with just you?
I work and provide the best I can and all I get are
Un-reaching demands.
I married you to be my spouse not a
Greedy, ravenous louse.
You think that this dunya is what matters
But let me tell you honey, it seems that all you
Crave is money on that silver platter.
So when you ask for my affection make sure
That you know your intention for all I see is
A woman who has become a social obligation.
Copyright © 2006 Sumayah Fayed


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice posting. i cam across ur atilce on Islamonline. Its really good to see peple finding light at the end of the tunnel,May Allah guide us in here life and here after Ameen,sumameen

2:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mashallah that is a good poem. It makes you really think

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jennifer, you are the winner. you have won only by understanding Allah and His message. May Allah bless you with much more wisdom to guide those who are lost in the darkness. Please continue your effort. Allah has assigned you the task of guiding people to Islam, the Best in all Religions.

6:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Salaam Alaikum!

Congratulations (three years old but nonetheless). As a revert myself I know the joy you have. I will tell you though, if you keep striving in the path of Allah, the peace in your heart and the joy you feel only gets better!!!! One more piece of advice, learn Arabic. If you think the translation of the Quran is something, wait until you can recite it properly and know what you are saying! May Allah bless you and your children

As Salaam Alaikum

11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read article about yourself in Islam Online twice. MasyaAllah. Congratuliations! Please come to Malaysia and meet Muslim brothers and sisters here. Tell about your story. I bet you'll get their full ears for your words.

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

salam alaykoum sister,
masha'Allah it's very nice to hear and read about people like you reverting to Islam and enjoying the peace and serenity of Allah soubhanaho wa ta'ala. Life journies like yours make look forward for the day my wife will revert to islam inshaAllah. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

11:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Assalamoulikoum Jennifer,

My name is Meriam i'm from Holland.
I'm also a revert like yourself and truly enjoyed reading about your way towards Islam.May Allah bless you and all the muslims, amin. It's a great thing that you've set up this website for anyone interested to come forward,keep up the good work and please remember me and my family in your dua's.
I'm married to an Algerian and have three children aged 13,10 and 6. I loved reading about your dream, elhemdullilah.
Take care masalaama,

Meriam Bakker.

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had your story forwarded to me by e-mail, so touching. Mashallah i'm so pleased you accepted Islam. A bit late but Mubarak. 'Allah guides whom He wills' Keep up the good work with the website and I hope and pray that inshallah some day your family will be guided too...aameen.

10:17 AM  

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